Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Online noobs

I just want to smush all the noobs acting big on the net.
Take Garena for example - If you want to know what Garena is, Google it lazy.

All the DotA freaks that play there have no manners, no sense of self-respect, filled with racism, AND THEY CAN'T TYPE PROPERLY. I mean, that is the biggest put-off. Imagine playing with 9 people typing

"mcb noob dno how play don la noob hai"
"omg so fat de! how cn win!"
"who leaver moder n fader die family burn noob hell!"
"GTH u f--king noob lagger"

It makes me want to puke rainbows. And when you type properly they accuse you of typing with bad grammar. I mean, COME ON. Eeeeezzzzhhhhhzzzhhh *Blows up*

So much for 25-year olds being the future of our country. They can't speak English, they don't have a job, don't go to school, and they're RACIST. You can't even say one word from a foreign language around them. Best thing is, they can act all big and mighty on the internet.

"OMG u f--king malay gth"
"u no spek chinese? noob hai go die la"

Yay for stereotypes.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Its cool when we all slack off for a day or two. Or a few years.

Heh, heh.

It takes three times to create a successful blog. I hope.